Near Marietta, Ga., June 12, 1864.
CAPTAIN: Yesterday morning I received orders from the general commanding to proceed to McAfee’s Cross-Roads, on the Canton and Marietta and old Alabama roads, via Woodstock, and from thence to open communications with the Second Brigade at the junction of the Big Shanty and Canton and Marietta roads. At about 10.30 a. m. I drove the rebel pickets from McAfee’s, and about a quarter of a mile south of here found the enemy in considerable force, and so reported to the general commanding. The Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry dismounted and skirmished heavily for half a mile farther, when the rebels took shelter behind rail breast-works on the crest of a hill, with a large wheat field in front.
Captain Shaeffer’s battalion (Seventh Pennsylvania) pushed forward through thick woods on the right, and Major Andress’ through the woods on the left. I directed Captain Tolton, Fourth Michigan Cavalry, with his battalion to watch the enemy, who was threatening to advance on the road from Roswell Factory, and sent Major Mix with the other two battalions, dismounted, into the woods on the left of the Seventh Pennsylvania, Captain Garrett, Seventh Pennsylvania, with a small mounted force being on the left of the whole.
I ordered an advance of the two regiments (Captain Schaeffer had by this time advanced sufficiently to get a flanking fire on the enemy). The line advanced with a cheer at a double-quick, and carried the breast-works on the right, driving the enemy in confusion to the woods beyond.
On the left the breast-works were found to extend far beyond the flank, which was forced back, and each battalion in succession, finding its flank exposed, was compelled to fall back. Captain Tolton had, prior to this, reported a column of cavalry moving to his left; I, therefore, had to leave the Fourth Regulars to watch the road toward Woodstock, and cover the artillery and pack-mules.
From prisoners I learned that I had three brigades opposed to me, viz, General Allen’s First, Third, Fifth, Eighth, and Tenth Confederate; General Iverson’s First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Georgia, and General J. T. Morgan’s (temporarily commanded by Colonel Russell, Morgan being under arrest for drunkenness), consisting of the First, Third, Fourth, Seventh, and Fifty-first Alabama, in all, fifteen regiments, and, allowing the low average of 300, making a force of 4,500 against my 1,400, and, understanding that Colonel Long was not moving to the cross-roads, I determined to fall back.
On examination I found that I could not attempt to cross Noonday Creek at any point but on the old Alabama road, where there is a good though deep ford, and a very poor bridge. I sent the artillery and pack-mules back at once, placing the artillery in position to cover the movement of the cavalry. I then withdrew the men and retired across the creek.
My loss was 6 wounded, 2 of them mortally. I know of but 3 rebels killed, but many of them must have been wounded. I have 5 prisoners from the Second and Third Georgia and First Alabama.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Captain KENNEDY,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Second Cavalry Division.
June 14, 1864.
Respectfully forwarded.
An attack was made on a portion of Wheeler’s command, on the road leading to the Marietta and Canton road, by the Third Ohio, of Colonel Long’s brigade, but the enemy was found too strong to drive. Prisoners say all the cavalry, with a small exception, of Johnston’s army is now on our left flank.
Brigadier General Kenner Garrard,
Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.