Read the official orders, communications and reports that were issued regarding Garrard’s cavalry, Minty’s brigade, and the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Online here are the pertinent records found in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series 1, Volume 38. Click the Archives listing at right to select a Month, or use the Search Tags or Search box to find a particular subject.
From Brigadier General Kenner Garrard to Major General John M. Schofield – August 29, 1864
GENERAL: My headquarters are at Wait’s house, on the south side of Camp Creek, and my two brigades lie to the left, along the creek. I cover all the roads and ground from Mims’ around to the Sandtown road, a mile west of Patterson’s, and also picket to my
read moreSpecial Field Orders from Major General John M. Schofield to – August 29, 1864
I. The plan of operations for to-morrow is as follows: The Army of the Tennessee to move from Fairburn to Renfroe Place (near Jonesborough); the Army of the Cumberland, from Red Oak, via Shoal Creek Church, to Couch’s; the Army of the Ohio, via Red Oak an
read moreFrom Major General William T. Sherman to Major General John M. Schofield – August 28, 1864
GENERAL: You had better move your trains by the middle road of the three in front of Mount Gilead Church. It will come out at Red Oak where there are cleared fields on corn – this is the same by which General Thomas moved his trains, and they report it ve
read moreFrom Major General John M. Schofield to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – August 28, 1864
GENERAL: I send you a map showing my present position, and from which you can see what my probably movement till be to-morrow. General Thomas is now on the railroad about Red Oak, and General Howard has crossed it, between Red Oak and Fairburn. To-morrow
read moreFrom Major General John M. Schofield to Major General William T. Sherman – August 28, 1864
GENERAL: I occupy the works vacated by General Stanley, with my left resting at Mrs. Holbrook’s. The enemy made a demonstration upon Cox’s right about noon, but got back into his works as quickly as possible upon finding that we were in force. We then wit
read moreFrom Major William H. Jennings to Captain Robert Burns – August 27, 1864
I have the honor to report that my regiment left camp on Peach Tree road, at 12 p. m. on the 17th instant, as rear guard of the brigade. Arrived at Sandtown at 8 a. m. on the 18th instant. Left Sandtown at sundown, as rear guard to the expedition, until,
read moreFrom Major General John M. Schofield to Brigadier General Kenner Garrard – August 27, 1864
I am directed by the general commanding to say that General Stanley will march to vicinity of Mount Gilead Church to-day, and that you will then act on the left flank and rear of General Schofield’s corps. His headquarters are in the vicinity of W. Holbro
read moreFrom Major General Oliver O. Howard to Major General William T. Sherman – August 27, 1864
GENERAL: I have complied with your directions. General Garrard was on his way some little time ago to Utoy and probably are this has reported to you. For the safety of our rear against small squads of the enemy and to keep us informed about larger bodies
read moreReports of Brigadier General John W. Geary, U. S. Army, commanding Second Division – August 26, 1864
COLONEL; In pursuance of orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command during the campaign just terminated by the capture o
read moreFrom Lieutenant Colonel H. W. Perkins to Colonel Robert H. G. Minty – August 26, 1864
COLONEL: The general commanding directs me to inform you that scouts sent from these headquarters toward Roswell Factory report a force of the enemy’s cavalry, 400 strong, on this side of the river at Roswell, located there (as the citizens say) for the p
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